
Member since ‎Jul 28, 2021
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Professor Stacey Swartz

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DNebojsa on August 12, 2023
Hi all, How do you manage HubSpot access for multiple groups of students? The course has 2 semesters and students practice both semesters in HubSpot. Everyone has admin access so everyone can see everyone's setup and everything they have cr read more
November 07, 2023
This is how I do it! I also found this FAQ section on the EPP HubSpot page super helpful!! Get Started (
ProfessorSwartz on March 24, 2023
Hey Everyone! Hope all of your semesters are going well! I've been thinking of how I can continue to develop the course where I use HubSpot as a resource and teaching tool. But then I thought...How cool would it be if we could all "get toget read more
5 Replies
November 07, 2023
Great! I sent you a message.
ProfessorSwartz on March 24, 2023
Hey Everyone! Hope all of your semesters are going well! I've been thinking of how I can continue to develop the course where I use HubSpot as a resource and teaching tool. But then I thought...How cool would it be if we could all "get toget read more
5 Replies
November 07, 2023
Great! I sent you a message.
CatySmart on March 30, 2023
Hi All, Maybe this is the wrong platform for this, but would love to know about others experience while using this beta in general. I was notified that I had received access to the private beta weeks ago, but naturally, only now have time read more
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1 Reply
April 05, 2023
Did you try highlighting the text? I find sometimes it a little temperamental in showing up the first time I highlight but if I just click off and more
Mktac on April 04, 2023
Has Anyone used ChatGPT (or any other AI) to Create Workflow in Hubspot, Wondering if anyone has attempted, any results so far. Not actually sure how to start, but seems like an ideal opportunity for someone
8 Replies
April 05, 2023
Wow! What an interesting idea that I haven't thought about. If you give it a try, let me know how it turns out. Such a cool idea!!
Wahiba on January 03, 2023
Hello, I'm excited to join this program and community. I'm from Vancouver, BC, and wondering if there may be any Canadian educators over here? Look forward to connecting with all of you! Also, if you're on Twitter, I would also love the opportu read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
March 24, 2023
Canadian EPP here! Feel free to connect with me so we can chat!
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