
Member since ‎Nov 20, 2017
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Mike Palmer

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mikep on April 18, 2018
Hi there, We have a team of sales and account managers who use Hubspot to manage clients. We use the sales pipeline to create qualified leads, then we move these to proposal sent, job won, job produced, job finished. During this time the dea read more
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6 Replies
mschnitt on April 05, 2017
Integrate HubSpot with the new 'Inbox for Gmail' in a similar way as you already have for Gmail.
November 20, 2017
This is crazy that Hubspot has not done this but many others have. This could be the reason I stop using Hubspot
PeterV on May 03, 2017
Hi, is there a way to add the side extension to google inbox (NOT gmail)? I'm not using gmail for a long, long time anymore - inbox is the future.. It's a BIG decision criteria (otherwise i'll consider prosperworks). Cheers! read more
48 Replies
November 20, 2017
Is anyone from Hubspot going to update all these users who are asking about this. Thanks
mschnitt on April 05, 2017
Integrate HubSpot with the new 'Inbox for Gmail' in a similar way as you already have for Gmail.
November 20, 2017
This is crazy that Hubspot has not done this but many others have. This could be the reason I stop using Hubspot
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