
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
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Michael6 on November 19, 2021
MS Dynamics 365 CRM uses lookup fields and HubSpot provides text fields. When will the complete synchronization of all user-defined fields between the systems be made possible?
9 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
November 17, 2023
Hi @FransLeys Is there any update on this issue please? We have a client that urgently needs to sync lookup fields between HubSpot and Microsoft D...Beitrag ansehen
sgagliano on Januar 22, 2020
It would be valuable to be able to create proprties that are lookup values of records from other entities. As an example, On "Companies" I would like to be able to lookup a "Contact" where I could have the contact be a property on the company. The Beitrag ansehen
91 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
November 16, 2023
Hi everyone This Idea has now >200 Upvotes, so I do hope that some at HubSpot acknowledges it soon! It's over three years old, still in the...Beitrag ansehen
Babel_Gem on Juni 21, 2017
I'm not sure whether others find this as frustrating (or even know that it happens!) but we regularly find in our own portal and with clients that if you send a sales email using the Outlook or Gmail integration, 'log to CRM' and CC someone who is n Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
August 11, 2022
@Flora Could we have a response to the message from @jasonatwineman above please? This issue is causing GDPR non-compliance for some clients and n...Beitrag ansehen
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