
Member since ‎Jul 26, 2021
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Mary Skuse

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mbarba on February 16, 2022
Here at HubSpot, we define Revenue Operations, or RevOps, as the people, processes, systems, and data that control how your business generates revenue. That means that if you work at an organization that generates revenue, read more
April 19, 2022
Hi - I’m also a Mary and based in southern NH 👋 I would define RevOps as the team responsible for the company’s analytics, efficiency, and more
NSeter on January 04, 2021
As a super admin I would be very benefical to see whom in the company/team that has successfully connected their outlook or gmail with Hubspot
April 04, 2022
@amandafann - thank you! Upvoted as well!
NSeter on January 04, 2021
As a super admin I would be very benefical to see whom in the company/team that has successfully connected their outlook or gmail with Hubspot
April 04, 2022
@amandafann - thank you! Upvoted as well!
MSkuse on March 30, 2022
We need to have our LDR team access meeting links for our BD team, and without super admin access, we have to copy all of the links to a spreadsheet for their access. Permissions should be available for calendar access.
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MSkuse on November 04, 2021
Hi - we're thinking about making a custom object for Salesforce campaign information (status, date responded, campaign name, and campaign partner) but were wondering if anyone else has tried this yet? We want to be able to segment and report in HS o read more
March 23, 2022
It's not... Campaign Member is actually its own object in Salesforce - a child of the campaign object. That's how one person can have multiple more
MSkuse on November 04, 2021
Hi - we're thinking about making a custom object for Salesforce campaign information (status, date responded, campaign name, and campaign partner) but were wondering if anyone else has tried this yet? We want to be able to segment and report in HS o read more
March 23, 2022
It's not... Campaign Member is actually its own object in Salesforce - a child of the campaign object. That's how one person can have multiple more
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