
Member | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Jul 24, 2021
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lou_ae on November 10, 2019
Hi there As many may have noticed, big brands are starting to add in the option to view UI in Dark Mode. When we send out an email, our branding currently uses dark text - as most email clients (up until now) have had a light background. If we read more
122 Replies
Member | Elite Partner
August 10, 2023
SOS agree this is so needed!
AllyJohnson on January 26, 2022
It would be really useful to be able to set GDPR options per business unit on HubSpot. Currently, you are only allowed one per portal. However, when setting up forms especi, all businesses are restricted to using the same copy, therefore company nam read more
10 Replies
Member | Elite Partner
December 19, 2022
This is critical!! This and customized default landing page branding by BU. HS please fix! We can't recommend this to future companies without it.
danielrnorris on November 10, 2021
So after managing ads for a few clients I recently came across the fact that the HubSpot Facebook Ads integration does not work if you customize the ad assets for different placements. Which as a very standard practive as a Facebook advertiser. So n read more
2 Replies
Member | Elite Partner
November 10, 2021
Eek, good catch!
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