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Brendan Riley

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briley on August 28, 2019
It would be nice to have the option to use the Connected Team Conversations Inbox as a recipient for notifications in regards to bot conversations. We are looking to have a notification sent to the conversations inbox any time there is a new bot con Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
August 22, 2019
Adding a comment on behalf of several customers! The ability to limit workflow actions to certain days of the week would make it easier to ensure all...Beitrag ansehen
briley on Juni 06, 2019
I'd love to see different alert tones available for forms, revisits, chats, etc., and perhaps something more intense for incoming chats as they can be easy to miss even with all alert types set to on. As I'm often multitasking, the only thing that Beitrag ansehen
briley on November 29, 2018
After collecting a visitors email address within a chat conversation, it would be great if the system could send a notification to that visitor when an agent replies, so they know that their conversation is being actioned and are able to follow up t Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
briley on August 20, 2018
Currently, with the way the system is built out, a sequence set to only execute actions on weekdays will still count the weekends towards the delay. (A 3-day delay on a Friday will send on Monday rather than Wednesday). This doesn't give a lot of ti Beitrag ansehen
28 Antworten
briley on Mai 17, 2018
Currently a contact can only have one owner, which makes it difficult to keep information where it belongs. Team view works, somewhat, but we don't want every member on a team to see everyone elses information. There are some cases where multiple u Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
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