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Patrick van Zandwijk

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ChrisLouder on April 17, 2018
We need to be able to track changes to HubSpot Forms, and to be able to see the published date of any form version. Not only is this much needed functionality in general, but it is also a GDPR necessity if you capture opt ins in forms at all. The Beitrag ansehen
44 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
April 17, 2023
Would be very useful to see this implemented.
Eleven11 on Oktober 04, 2021
Custom surveys are great. That's a step in the right direction. However, feedback/surveys can't be associated with tickets (manually or automated). Only NPS surveys show up on the ticket in the Recent Feedback section in the assocations panel. This Beitrag ansehen
29 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
März 28, 2023
Glad we're not the only one experiencing this issue. Currently CES surveys are the only surveys that can be associated with a ticket. We got multiple...Beitrag ansehen
Johannes1991 on August 07, 2019
It would be great to have the option, as you do in Linkedin, to toggle this on / off per user. Sometimes it is easy to accidentally press Enter or want to start a new line and instead you send a chat message.
27 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
Oktober 24, 2022
Yes this is a must have for the live chat and chatfbot functionality within HubSpot.
PvanZandwijk0 on September 12, 2022
I'd like to see the ability to filter workflow activities on a contact's timeline. E.g. we have a workflow that sets a timestamp for today's date each day for all contacts (to calculate the time between last login of a connected app and today Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
elizabee on März 27, 2020
I would like more rich filter options in the conversation inbox. Currently, only very simplistic filtering options are available and you cannot save your filters. I would like to use filters for analytics and to make sure that our processes are Beitrag ansehen
38 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
September 05, 2022
Any news on this being implemented? We're already using the 'ticket name' filter to filter out tickets that are automatically created from conversati...Beitrag ansehen
Dylan on September 01, 2020
Custom objects are a key part of our business and should be accessible for all users in the main HubSpot navigation
26 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
April 11, 2022
This is a must for every organisation working with Custom Objects.
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