
Mitglied seit ‎Nov 16, 2017
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WhoOrderedRice on Mai 01, 2018
We have the outlook sidekick plugin on our email accounts, which logs emails and gives you a nice sidebar for more contact details. - Which is great for our actual customer contacts. However, this plugin is currently adding absolutely everyone Beitrag ansehen
Februar 28, 2019
This ideas is for the sales team. The goal is to make follow up more personal but automated. Problem/Pain: I have scheduled to send an email at ...Beitrag ansehen
taylorfriss on Januar 23, 2018
It would be nice if we could group properties for viewing on Company, Contact, and Deal pages. For example, at the moment there is a module for "About", "Associated Contacts", "Associated Companies", etc. If we could create our own, such as "Bi Beitrag ansehen
Februar 09, 2018
When creating custom group properties the group properties end up being added to the about section in the contact or companies profile. The about sec...Beitrag ansehen
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
Create products/pricebooks, & send/receive agreements/quotes/invoices in Hubspot CRM. In order for us to use Hubspot CRM as a stand alone CRM we'd need to be able to choose products within a deal, Calculate the Full Amount if there are mul Beitrag ansehen
Januar 17, 2018
I agree with this as well. We neeeeeeeeed this asap!!! Thanks!
Jmjermaz on März 09, 2017
I would like to be able to customize the drop down list from the call outcome option as it doesn't represent the outcomes I would like recorded. Is this possible? Otherwise can we turn it off so it doesn't state no outcome on the timeline?
137 Antworten
Dezember 14, 2017
@JasonC Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!
Jmjermaz on März 09, 2017
I would like to be able to customize the drop down list from the call outcome option as it doesn't represent the outcomes I would like recorded. Is this possible? Otherwise can we turn it off so it doesn't state no outcome on the timeline?
137 Antworten
Dezember 14, 2017
@JasonC Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!
Jmjermaz on März 09, 2017
I would like to be able to customize the drop down list from the call outcome option as it doesn't represent the outcomes I would like recorded. Is this possible? Otherwise can we turn it off so it doesn't state no outcome on the timeline?
137 Antworten
Dezember 14, 2017
@JasonC Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!
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