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lleemis on April 09, 2019
Ability to create a report for "Overdue Tasks" to match exactly what you see in the task dashboard.
67 Antworten
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Juli 20, 2021
We still don't have this? Come on!
taylorfriss on Juli 11, 2017
We just switched over to HubSpot from Salesforce and are trying to do an audit on which properties we have - so we can find duplicates and either merge or delete them. It would be great if we could export all existing Properties in our system with t Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Partner
Juli 17, 2020
This is good news. How can we get into the beta?
taylorfriss on Juli 11, 2017
We just switched over to HubSpot from Salesforce and are trying to do an audit on which properties we have - so we can find duplicates and either merge or delete them. It would be great if we could export all existing Properties in our system with t Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Partner
Juli 17, 2020
This is good news. How can we get into the beta?
AJLaPorte_diagr on Januar 29, 2019
There are many times when a datetime field can be beneficial for use in the contact properties. There are currently a few fields (HubSpot defaults) that contain this data but you cannot create a custom property for this kind of data through the edit Beitrag ansehen
91 Antworten
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Mai 21, 2020
Agreed. It doesn't make sense to me that we can't use an existing data type for our own custom properties. Some of these fundamental missteps with da...Beitrag ansehen
whartwell on Juni 21, 2018
As Hubspot allows multiple email addresses to be stored on a single contact, we need a way to locate all contacts with more than one email address. Though Hubspot may allow multiple email addresses on a contact, our integrated systems (Salesforce, f Beitrag ansehen
53 Antworten
Mitglied | Partner
Januar 01, 2020
I've seen that thread and tried that approach. Here's why it doesn't work: It returns records who have EVER had multiple email addresses, rather th...Beitrag ansehen
whartwell on Juni 21, 2018
As Hubspot allows multiple email addresses to be stored on a single contact, we need a way to locate all contacts with more than one email address. Though Hubspot may allow multiple email addresses on a contact, our integrated systems (Salesforce, f Beitrag ansehen
53 Antworten
Mitglied | Partner
Januar 01, 2020
I've seen that thread and tried that approach. Here's why it doesn't work: It returns records who have EVER had multiple email addresses, rather th...Beitrag ansehen
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