
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jul 19, 2021
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Jezabel Eljuri

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jezabeleljuri on November 14, 2023
Hola Comunidad!!! En Awtana queremos invitarlos el proximo 29/11 a un evento virtual donde mostraremos las bondades y usos del Operations Hub para conectar tu ERP al CRM. Les comparto el link del registro para que lo agenden en su cale read more
1 Reply
Participant | Diamond Partner
September 07, 2023
+1000000 Ideal that it can be customized, in adding cards, fields or hiding according to the teams configured in HubSpot.
jezabeleljuri on September 04, 2023
It is required to configure or have a notification in the HubSpot notification panel, which lets you know if an error or failure occurred in the owner rotation. This would help to be able to act quickly and not depend on the problem being reported read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
February 01, 2022
¿Cuál es tu función actual? Soy Project Tecnhnical Manager ¿En qué sector trabajas actualmente? Consultorias, Implementaciones e more
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