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Gabriel Zani

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cottley on April 23, 2019
To unify a sales team, it would help to include an explainer of what each Deal Stage is used for. By adding a description to the Deal Stage, each salesperson can be clear what the stage is used for. For Example - If Deal Stage 2 is "Phone Needs Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
April 30, 2024
Hi team! I have had other customers requesting this feature as well and I agree this would be a great addition to our tool so upvoting here!!
JTree on Juli 05, 2023
On the contact association card, there are some fields you can customise and choose what to have, like a phone number. One of the fields you can't change is Job Title. For businesses like us, who deal with consumers, having the Job Title fie Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Januar 11, 2024
Upvote this. Not sure why this is defaulted but users should be able to customize this card, team!
Dadams on April 11, 2023
Beginning on July 14th , the industry property on company records will begin correctly validating values when company records are created and updated. What's changing? While the property type is enumeration , the property is not Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Juni 30, 2023
Hi @Dadams posting here on behalf of a customer. We have very little information about this change's impacts internally so I'm hoping we can get so...Beitrag ansehen
GZani on September 22, 2022
Hi team! Posting this after having a customer reach out about their flow and Payments properties. I think it would be a great addition to the tool if we could create and manage custom properties. Currently, as mentioned here , these properti Beitrag ansehen
GZani on August 11, 2022
Hi team! I'm posting this on behalf of a customer who encountered a roadblock when trying to use the Google Sheet integration to add data to Google Sheets with workflows. Currently, the WFs can only send data from the enrolled records, but not from Beitrag ansehen
nandosch on Januar 22, 2021
Hello community, unfortunately, it is currently not possible to restrict the contacts who come to HubSpot via Zoom. By default, all contacts created in Zoom are synced through the integration with HubSpot. The big disadvantage is that every pers Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
HubSpot Employee
Februar 25, 2022
Hi there. This article here says " To prevent contacts from being created in HubSpot from your organization, click the Settings tab then enter ...Beitrag ansehen
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