
Miembro desde ‎jul 19, 2021
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Nick Lagrou

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Noviembre 12, 2021
Any update on this from the Hubspot team? I also need more than 3 options in the Task type
Octubre 05, 2021
Thanks @webdew and @karstenkoehler I think the best option will be - as Karsten advised - to look at it from a different angle. In the past I...Leer más
NLagrou en Octubre 04, 2021
Hi I've been using Hubspot for some months now but I keep struggling to get a good dashboard to monitor my Propection outreach. What I would like to monitor on a weekly basis is: - how many people were sent a 1st email - how many people were sen Leer más
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4 Respuestas
Agosto 09, 2021
Any feedback from Hubspot on this issue? I agree this would be handy. Now I always have to go back to the 'all contacts' overview, search for the...Leer más
Julio 19, 2021
Dear Hubspot, what is the status of this? I could really use such a functionality. We recently made the switch from a different CRM package and ...Leer más
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