
Member since ‎Nov 13, 2017
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Kyle Selby

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Kselby on December 11, 2019
Hi there, I want to be able to pull info about the top assets we have that lead to someone becoming an MQL. Is there any way to create a list or report showing the form submissions that generate the most MQL? I can not think of a way to relate a da read more
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April 10, 2019
@anders_grove I am trying to make your setup but for a single checkbox field. When someone checks the box they are directed to one page, and when more
April 08, 2019
@Shay Thank you for the followup! That makes sense to me, I was able to figure that out a few weeks ago. I was also able to add in a link to their more
Kselby on March 28, 2019
Hello, Currently we have a setup where someone fills out a form and then is directed to a thank you page where they press a cta to download the file. I want to create a way so that when the person submits the form and the thank you page loads, the read more
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Kselby on March 14, 2019
I am looking for the ability to clone the automated Hubspot emails. What I mean by this is the emails that are sent to us when someone submits a lead or visits our website. Currently I am trying to come up with a process where we a lead owner is sen read more
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3 Replies
July 30, 2018
Issue resolved through Zapier setup
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