
Member since ‎Jul 14, 2021
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Hannah Sarsfield

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HannahSarsfield on October 19, 2022
Hi, I was just wondering if there is a way on Hubspot to prioritise contacts by their hierarchy when on the company profile? This would make it much easier to identify the top contacts when looking at a company's profile. Thanks, Hannah read more
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6 Replies
October 20, 2022
Is there also a way to create a list of companies with the key decision makers listed for each?
HannahSarsfield on October 19, 2022
Hi, I was just wondering if there is a way on Hubspot to prioritise contacts by their hierarchy when on the company profile? This would make it much easier to identify the top contacts when looking at a company's profile. Thanks, Hannah read more
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6 Replies
October 20, 2022
Is there also a way to create a list of companies with the key decision makers listed for each?
HannahSarsfield on October 19, 2022
Hi, I was just wondering if there is a way on Hubspot to prioritise contacts by their hierarchy when on the company profile? This would make it much easier to identify the top contacts when looking at a company's profile. Thanks, Hannah read more
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6 Replies
October 20, 2022
Is there also a way to create a list of companies with the key decision makers listed for each?
HannahSarsfield on December 03, 2021
Hi, In my activity feed on Hubspot, alot of the activity is showing up as ‘someone’ rather than the actual contacts name, which is confusing. Is there a way round this? Also, I've noticed that sometimes my activity is logged to particualr ac read more
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2 Replies
December 06, 2021
Great. Thanks so much for the explanation Jennifer. Best, Hannah
HannahSarsfield on December 03, 2021
Hi, In my activity feed on Hubspot, alot of the activity is showing up as ‘someone’ rather than the actual contacts name, which is confusing. Is there a way round this? Also, I've noticed that sometimes my activity is logged to particualr ac read more
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2 Replies
December 06, 2021
Great. Thanks so much for the explanation Jennifer. Best, Hannah
HannahSarsfield on November 24, 2021
Hi, I've just noticed that our company name has been misspelt on Hubspot under Account & Billing > Company Information . It isn't currently letting me correct it, so please could you let me know how best I can amend this? Thank read more
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4 Replies
November 24, 2021
Ok - thanks again Karsten
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