
Member since ‎Jul 14, 2021
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Antony Adelaar

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AntonyA on August 11, 2022
Hello all Despite confirming that I am Super Admin in HS and Admin on Zoom, I cannot install the app from the Marketplace. I get the below, and a message about permissions. Any similar experiences or fixes? Thanks.
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4 Replies
August 15, 2022
Hi Kristen I think I've managed to resolve, but not how I was expecting to. The solution starts on the Zoom platform. On Zoom, you have to go to more
AntonyA on August 11, 2022
Hello all Despite confirming that I am Super Admin in HS and Admin on Zoom, I cannot install the app from the Marketplace. I get the below, and a message about permissions. Any similar experiences or fixes? Thanks.
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 15, 2022
Hi Kristen I think I've managed to resolve, but not how I was expecting to. The solution starts on the Zoom platform. On Zoom, you have to go to more
AntonyA on August 11, 2022
Hello all Despite confirming that I am Super Admin in HS and Admin on Zoom, I cannot install the app from the Marketplace. I get the below, and a message about permissions. Any similar experiences or fixes? Thanks.
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 15, 2022
Hi Kristen I think I've managed to resolve, but not how I was expecting to. The solution starts on the Zoom platform. On Zoom, you have to go to more
dkap on May 15, 2017
I would like the ability to pause a workflow, thus keeping all users at the step they are in, and then unpause it a few days later. Adding delay steps will not accomplish the same thing. For example, I want to pause a campaign during a holiday wee read more
63 Replies
April 20, 2022
A massive shortcoming, quite surprising.
AntonyA on November 03, 2021
Hi all I think it's really strange that I cannot go back into a Sent email and resend it to another group at a later time? I have to clone the email and go from there, making the list of marketing emails bloated and repetitive, and dividing the read more
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