
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Nov 8, 2017
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Jonathan Stanis

“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t." I'm formerly a mechanical engineer for a product handling equipment manufacturer. I have moved through a wide ranging path from Marketing Manager to Inbound Specialist to finally the Director of UX at Weidert Group. I love learning new things around digital marketing and web development. I hope to share those learnings and learn a few new things with this community.


JonStanis on March 04, 2022
Wanted to share this blog post we just published about the HubSpot campaign tools . I have not had a ton of interaction with the campaign tool myself, so I thought others would find it useful to understand the setup and how best to use it. Ho read more
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Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 22, 2022
I think it is good to look at it as what is different between inbound vs outbound sales. LEGACY SALESPEOPLE Are unaware of more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 31, 2019
Adding a few of mine not listed. HubX - Copy and paste modules across templates. Also, I prefer this extension's dark theme. Brave - more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 21, 2019
I think they are both parts of the same whole. We are an inbound marketing agency that also does growth driven design. Not all of our clients more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 21, 2019
I would love to use Safari more, especially in HubSpot, but it does not get the same support that Chrome does. I would love the dev tool extension more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 21, 2019
I would really encourage you to do your own internal benchmarking. I know different sites in the same industry that have widely different conversion more
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