
Member since ‎Nov 7, 2017
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FionaCK on May 20, 2021
Quick question. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where we could keep a repository of testimonials in HubSpot? I want a central location to put them all so my sales and marketing team can find them easily when they want to use a testimonial in read more
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2 Replies
May 20, 2021
Thank you BootstrapC, I will look into this as a possible solution. I really like this idea. cheers Fiona
FionaCK on May 20, 2021
Has anyone successfully integrated Appcues data into HubSpot? We use Appcues for our in-app help and I want to feed some of the event data that is captured back into HubSpot to trigger workflows. One of these triggers would the result of the Appcue read more
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2 Replies
FionaCK on May 20, 2021
Quick question. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where we could keep a repository of testimonials in HubSpot? I want a central location to put them all so my sales and marketing team can find them easily when they want to use a testimonial in read more
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2 Replies
May 20, 2021
Thank you BootstrapC, I will look into this as a possible solution. I really like this idea. cheers Fiona
FionaCK on June 06, 2018
Hello, does anyone have a 'best practice' recommendation for classifying client contacts when the company becomes an ex-client? What do we do with the lifecycle stage? How do others record an ex-client in HubSpot? Appreciate any advice. thanks, Fion read more
9 Replies
February 13, 2020
Hi Lucinda, we ended up implementing the following: 1. Company Custom Field: Client Type with a dropdown list of Prospect, Client, Client Dormant, more
FionaCK on February 05, 2020
Hello, we are on the Marketing Hub Professional subscription and we have setup our HubSpot account with our primary brand. We now have a second brand with separate branding and separate contact list. We would like to setup a second blog page for the read more
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4 Replies
February 13, 2020
thank you Bryantworks, I understand your meaning now. I was not aware that we could setup multiple blogs like that. By the way I contacted more
FionaCK on February 05, 2020
Hello, we are on the Marketing Hub Professional subscription and we have setup our HubSpot account with our primary brand. We now have a second brand with separate branding and separate contact list. We would like to setup a second blog page for the read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
February 13, 2020
thank you Bryantworks, I understand your meaning now. I was not aware that we could setup multiple blogs like that. By the way I contacted more
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