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michaelpowens on Februar 17, 2017
There should be a way to set the default font and font size in the Email client within the CRM?
107 Antworten
September 14, 2018
I posted this original comment a significant amount of time ago and it is abundantly clear that Hubspot absolutely could not care less about the opin...Beitrag ansehen
SebastianB on Juli 27, 2017
Hi, it would be great to specify the privacy setting for emails or contacts that will be logged in the CRM. As some conversations & emails have to be confidential, it would be great to have a setting that tells Hubspot which emails to log and wh Beitrag ansehen
Juli 18, 2018
Hi Madhavaji, It works well enough if you are emailing directly but I found that when you do a round robin type email and a blacklisted address r...Beitrag ansehen
michaelpowens on Februar 17, 2017
There should be a way to set the default font and font size in the Email client within the CRM?
107 Antworten
September 14, 2018
I posted this original comment a significant amount of time ago and it is abundantly clear that Hubspot absolutely could not care less about the opin...Beitrag ansehen
SebastianB on Juli 27, 2017
Hi, it would be great to specify the privacy setting for emails or contacts that will be logged in the CRM. As some conversations & emails have to be confidential, it would be great to have a setting that tells Hubspot which emails to log and wh Beitrag ansehen
Juli 18, 2018
Hi Madhavaji, It works well enough if you are emailing directly but I found that when you do a round robin type email and a blacklisted address r...Beitrag ansehen
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