
Member since ‎Nov 3, 2017
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Sandra Engel

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Sandra_E on June 14, 2021
I'm trying to build a report which show unclosed deals of a company and all it's assigned sub-companies. Is there a way to build this? The advanced report builder only seems to be able to use the filter "assigned contacts" and not "assigned companie read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
June 24, 2021
Hey Dan, again, thanks for your extensive help! Yes, this filter works for the reports themselves. However the whole dashboard includes about 10 more
Sandra_E on June 14, 2021
I'm trying to build a report which show unclosed deals of a company and all it's assigned sub-companies. Is there a way to build this? The advanced report builder only seems to be able to use the filter "assigned contacts" and not "assigned companie read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
June 24, 2021
Hey Dan, again, thanks for your extensive help! Yes, this filter works for the reports themselves. However the whole dashboard includes about 10 more
Sandra_E on June 14, 2021
I'm trying to build a report which show unclosed deals of a company and all it's assigned sub-companies. Is there a way to build this? The advanced report builder only seems to be able to use the filter "assigned contacts" and not "assigned companie read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
June 24, 2021
Hey Dan, again, thanks for your extensive help! Yes, this filter works for the reports themselves. However the whole dashboard includes about 10 more
Sandra_E on June 14, 2021
I'm trying to build a report which show unclosed deals of a company and all it's assigned sub-companies. Is there a way to build this? The advanced report builder only seems to be able to use the filter "assigned contacts" and not "assigned companie read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
June 24, 2021
Hey Dan, again, thanks for your extensive help! Yes, this filter works for the reports themselves. However the whole dashboard includes about 10 more
MG on May 05, 2017
Currently if a user has access to edit one contact's property, they have access to edit all contact properties. We have the ability to restrict a user from creating or deleting properties but it would be incredibly helpful to restrict the edit read more
105 Replies
May 31, 2019
I also agree - we currently have the problem that all users can edit notes. Some of them contain important data and should only be edited by the more
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