
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
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Larry Seth

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Mitglied | Platinum Partner
November 25, 2024
@Jaycee_Lewis thanks for the response. Do you know of a way to do the conversion outside the query? I am not sure if this would be done within the ...Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Oktober 30, 2024
Is there a way to get a variable from the page template that the Graphql file is attached to and use it in the Graphql file for the query?
LSeth on Oktober 22, 2024
Hello. I have a custom object that has a date property. In the graphiql query can I filter by that date property to only show records that have a date newer than the current date? The only way I have been able to filter in the graphiql playground is Beitrag ansehen
LSeth on April 02, 2024
Hello. I am using a module on a dynamic page to display crm_objects. Of course there is the limit on how often on a page crm_objects can be used. How would I loop through to display them in batches? I assume I would use the has_more and offset but c Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Februar 10, 2022
@webdew @albertsg Thanks for the input. I have figured out the Hubl needed to bring in a custom field. I went into the developers info of the pag...Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Platinum Partner
Februar 10, 2022
@stefen Ah yeah that's what I was doing. I figured the settings were the same. Thanks. @webdew Thanks for the input but in this situation I am ...Beitrag ansehen
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