
Member since ‎Jun 30, 2021
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Karla Noack

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Karla1 on February 22, 2022
Dear community, I'm in need of help. I'm new in sending email newsletter and I'm having some trouble. My team and I worked hard on creating very nice-looking emails with a nice template and compelling pictures, and were quite dissapointed when we read more
March 01, 2022
Hi @karstenkoehler ! I have a question: once we land in spam, is there a way out of there? If my company has been marked as spam, is it always more
Karla1 on February 22, 2022
Dear community, I'm in need of help. I'm new in sending email newsletter and I'm having some trouble. My team and I worked hard on creating very nice-looking emails with a nice template and compelling pictures, and were quite dissapointed when we read more
March 01, 2022
Hi @karstenkoehler ! I have a question: once we land in spam, is there a way out of there? If my company has been marked as spam, is it always more
Karla1 on February 22, 2022
Dear community, I'm in need of help. I'm new in sending email newsletter and I'm having some trouble. My team and I worked hard on creating very nice-looking emails with a nice template and compelling pictures, and were quite dissapointed when we read more
March 01, 2022
Hi @karstenkoehler ! I have a question: once we land in spam, is there a way out of there? If my company has been marked as spam, is it always more
Karla1 on July 17, 2021
Liebe Community, Ich brauche euere Hilfe. Bald werden wir Marketing Emails schicken und wir würden gerne die Emails mit "Sehr geehrte oder sehr geehrter". Welche Endung man verwendet hängt natürlich vom Geschlecht ab. Meine Frage ist: wie macht read more
July 26, 2021
Hi @karstenkoehler Vielen Dank für deine Antwort! Ich habe sie implementiert und sie hat mir geholfen 🙂 Viele Grüße, Karla
Karla1 on July 17, 2021
Liebe Community, Ich brauche euere Hilfe. Bald werden wir Marketing Emails schicken und wir würden gerne die Emails mit "Sehr geehrte oder sehr geehrter". Welche Endung man verwendet hängt natürlich vom Geschlecht ab. Meine Frage ist: wie macht read more
July 26, 2021
Hi @karstenkoehler Vielen Dank für deine Antwort! Ich habe sie implementiert und sie hat mir geholfen 🙂 Viele Grüße, Karla
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