
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jun 30, 2021
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Katie Roberts

Hello! I’m Katie and I’m the Client Development Manager for Noisy Little Monkey. We are an inbound marketing agency based in Bristol in the UK and I’ve been with Noisy Little Monkey for about 2 and a half years now. I would say my sales superpower is aligning my sales process with how modern organisations want to buy and I also do create some pretty funny content on LinkedIn...if I do say so myself. At the moment I’m learning about vegan cooking but on a more marketing related note I’m learning about E-A-T which is a Google Search Guideline. Please feel free to ask me any questions that you have, otherwise that’s all from me! Over and out!


Contributor | Diamond Partner
April 22, 2022
Hey Joe! Thanks for joining us - Novah looks awesome. Everyone wants their sales team to be a pack of wolves 🐺 Looking forward to learning more more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
April 22, 2022
Thanks so much for joining the group. We'll be back with our Sales Enablement HUGs soon - would be great to see you there!
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 23, 2022
This is GREAT. Love this. Going to work on my 30 seconds today.
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 16, 2022
Hey Kristina! Thanks for joining the group 😊 If you're not confident, how can you expect them to be? 🤷‍ ♀️
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 16, 2022
Hey Nick, lovely to have you here! Sounds like you'll have a lot of wisdom to share. Couldn't agree more with your tip, finding the balance between more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 04, 2022
Lovely to have you in the group, Laura 🙂 I love "helping them to buy" - that's how it should be!
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