
Member since ‎Nov 2, 2017
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Becca Stamey

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RafiPN on August 24, 2017
Often times we enter fake data into our own form to test workflows or we get spammed with fake accounts. I'd like the ability to delete form submissions so they don't impact the metrics.
410 Replies
September 10, 2020
I have to agree with the comments above. The test submissions and spam submissions are negatively effecting our reporting, having the ability to more
taylorfriss on July 11, 2017
We just switched over to HubSpot from Salesforce and are trying to do an audit on which properties we have - so we can find duplicates and either merge or delete them. It would be great if we could export all existing Properties in our system with t read more
March 25, 2020
This would be so helpful! Right now it's a lot of manual when doing certain mappings to those fields from 3rd parties.
isabelgendron on May 02, 2017
Mailchimp has a feature that gives you stats of the top email clients your contacts are reading your emails in. This is very helpful for formatting and prioritizing optimization for different email clients; for example, Outlook is a nightmare for CS read more
July 02, 2018
Great idea! We are definitely in need of an overall report of opens by email client. I know you can see opens by email client per individual email more
Compuware on January 12, 2017
Would be helpful if you could edit the name to a campaign. It is currently uneditable
40 Replies
May 31, 2018
This would be very helpful! When we first started setting up campaigns we didn't have a set naming convention, now that we do it would be nice if I more
RafiPN on August 24, 2017
Often times we enter fake data into our own form to test workflows or we get spammed with fake accounts. I'd like the ability to delete form submissions so they don't impact the metrics.
410 Replies
September 10, 2020
I have to agree with the comments above. The test submissions and spam submissions are negatively effecting our reporting, having the ability to more
lindsayroseryan on February 20, 2018
The implementation of the online/offline toggle for Messaging seems counterintuitive. When you first load the messages queue, you are immediately placed online. I believe that this is the opposite of what most people would expect. I believe t read more
3 Replies
February 22, 2018
I completely agree! I would prefer it to be "offline" when I go to the messages page.
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