
Contributor | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Jun 29, 2021
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Jon Mogard

Older than Tetris but younger than Zuckerberg


JMogard on November 21, 2023
I work with a HubSpot client that from time to time has a very high workload which delays responding to new tickers/support cases. We have a workflow that sends a transactional email whenever a new support case has been created, including tick read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
December 22, 2023
Hi Pam Thanks for your reply. The issue is not to set availability within the team, it is to notify the clients (whoever submitted a customer more
JMogard on December 22, 2023
(I really struggled to find a good title for this post) When customizing the cards used for the middle column on records, you can only show columns with properties from that object, e.g. if I make a Deal card I can only pick from Deal properties to read more
2 Replies
WNAmiqus on November 23, 2023
Hey, Trying to find a way to delete a lead record associated to a contact record that I do not own. In this case the owners on the contact records (and lead records) do not have a Sales Professional Seat so I cannot delete the leads fr read more
1 upvote
12 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
November 27, 2023
Creative work-around! I will do that and then eagerly wait for HubSpot to fix a smoother interface for this.
WNAmiqus on November 23, 2023
Hey, Trying to find a way to delete a lead record associated to a contact record that I do not own. In this case the owners on the contact records (and lead records) do not have a Sales Professional Seat so I cannot delete the leads fr read more
1 upvote
12 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
November 27, 2023
Creative work-around! I will do that and then eagerly wait for HubSpot to fix a smoother interface for this.
WNAmiqus on November 23, 2023
Hey, Trying to find a way to delete a lead record associated to a contact record that I do not own. In this case the owners on the contact records (and lead records) do not have a Sales Professional Seat so I cannot delete the leads fr read more
1 upvote
12 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
November 27, 2023
Creative work-around! I will do that and then eagerly wait for HubSpot to fix a smoother interface for this.
JMogard on November 21, 2023
I work with a HubSpot client that from time to time has a very high workload which delays responding to new tickers/support cases. We have a workflow that sends a transactional email whenever a new support case has been created, including tick read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner
December 22, 2023
Hi Pam Thanks for your reply. The issue is not to set availability within the team, it is to notify the clients (whoever submitted a customer more
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