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Antonin Crestois

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AntoninCrestois on Mai 04, 2023
Hi team, Raising up this idea for users trying to manage reminder emails sent through ticket workflows. Currently we have chat transcripts for conversations started out from chats as seen here . However, there is no way to manage this for ema Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
HubSpot Employee
August 22, 2022
I would add the option to do this via API as well; using a contact's ID to pull their workflow enrollment history
AntoninCrestois on Juli 06, 2022
When uploading files in the File manager and using a specific domain to generate links to those files used in webpages, there is no easy way to replace those links in pages if we decide to use another domain down the line. The only option curr Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
AntoninCrestois on Juni 09, 2022
Hi team, Suggesting the following idea for more optimal unsubscription messages when we include an unsubscribe link below the email signature. Currently we have 3 options: Is this email not relevant to you? Click here To stop receiving Beitrag ansehen
16 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
Juni 08, 2022
Hi there! It seems we need to define a max_width along with the full_width parameter as well. Here is the code that worked for me, set...Beitrag ansehen
AntoninCrestois on Juni 07, 2022
Hi team, Currently users are able to edit the registration invitation email, password confirmation email, and password reset email within Settings > Website > Private Content as seen in the Knowledge Base . There is one more emai Beitrag ansehen
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