
Member since ‎Nov 1, 2017
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MattLM on February 04, 2020
Hi I have a need for certain companies and contacts to be recorded as having multiple owners. Is this possible? Thanks Matthew
5 Replies
MattLM on December 08, 2017
Monring Hubspotters! So I have a growing issue of un-assigned companies in the crm. The team all love how easy it is to add a contact and that, that contact is automatically assigned to them via tthe gmail plugin but, they continually forget to read more
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2 Replies
December 08, 2017
Thanks for this Phil - In the same way - can you auto assign the team baed upon the team that the owner sit in?
MattLM on December 08, 2017
Monring Hubspotters! So I have a growing issue of un-assigned companies in the crm. The team all love how easy it is to add a contact and that, that contact is automatically assigned to them via tthe gmail plugin but, they continually forget to read more
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2 Replies
December 08, 2017
Thanks for this Phil - In the same way - can you auto assign the team baed upon the team that the owner sit in?
MattLM on November 01, 2017
Hi all Sorry if this is posted elsewhere but, I cant find it. It seems the dealstage funnel is only worth looking at if every one of your deals enters through all of the stages. Is there a way to make it representative of deals at each stage i read more
18 Replies
MattLM on November 01, 2017
I am using a free version of Hubspot and have had no problmes with it up until the last week or so. I have created a couple of contacts that despite having the first one or two emails synced from my gmail - new messages no longer seems to appear read more
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