
Membro desde ‎nov 1, 2017
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Abril 15, 2019
Another vote for this. It would be very helpful to have it. for reporting and other things!
Março 28, 2019
Hi Nikki, we didn't move in the end. We would just have too many 404 if we did so it wasn't worth it. I also don't feel like we are losing a lot....Leia mais
Março 12, 2018
sorry for the late reply. It's been very busy! We havent moved yet but I am seriously considering it for next financial year. For us it will depend o...Leia mais
Janeiro 02, 2018
thanks. Appriciate the reply. Yes the 404 are the major pain to be honest. Will have a think. Im hoping there is a way of moving just the posts going...Leia mais
Emina-Demiri on Dezembro 13, 2017
Hi we are fairly new to HS, few months only. Back when we signed up I made the decision not to move our blog there but now after a few months Im again debating this. Any help/experiences are very welcome. This is what Im thinking: benefits: Leia mais
3 avaliações positivas
6 Respostas
Novembro 13, 2017
Hi I was also too quick to get the certificate and missed my chance. Would you be so kind to send it to me via email? it's emina.demiri-watson@a...Leia mais
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