
Member since ‎Jun 26, 2021
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JGood on June 14, 2021
Hi there, We are having an issue where the "conversions" we measure in Google Ads is very different than what we see in Hubspot. One of our conversions in GA is tracked on a "success" page after someone signs up for a free trial. When I pull th read more
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4 Replies
June 26, 2021
Hi Jgood You can leave the UTM issue and just do auto-tracking by linking your ads account to HUbspot. They do the heavy lifting so to say and more
MSanfilippo on May 10, 2021
Which tactics do you suggest I utilize first as part of my content marketing strategy to generate the most leads / get the biggest bang for a buck? For example, do I start with looking at the automated emails we are already sending out? Do I look at read more
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3 Replies
June 26, 2021
Hi Msan Good to see you thinking strategically as a founder for the sales funnel instead of just obsessing with the product. Thats a great start more
Vilmer on May 17, 2021
We are a b2b SaaS company that would like to grow our organic traffic for lead generation. We have a high customer LTV, so we don't need 100s of new leads even though they are welcome. However, we are sort of a niece service in the sense that se read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
June 26, 2021
Hi Vilmer I think I understand where you are coming from. One rule of thumb is, if your sales funnel is high LTV based on CAC, you want to more
EnesCinar on June 22, 2021
Hi all, I have top 3 blog pages that acquire traffic at a great level. I want to change these blog's structure to increase conversion; that's why I want to use our landing page template. Therefore, I need URL redirection to redirect my blog page read more
14 Replies
June 26, 2021
Hey man I second this opinion that the domain authority for the subdomain would not be the same as the main domain. You should create the more
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