
Miembro desde ‎oct 31, 2017
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DitteBille en May 19, 2021
It would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders - especially in the workflow folders as it is possible with lists today.
180 Me gusta
51 Respuestas
Septiembre 05, 2023
Adding my vote. Would really like to see a standard folder and sub-filder functionality and UI for all Hubspot features that could possibly have it. ...Leer más
gsatwik en Enero 17, 2020
The idea is to have a Multiple Select Drop-down, which can enable a form visitor to select multiple options for a property by clicking on a dropdown and searching for an option. This would essentially be an altrenative for Multiple Checkbox Field Ty Leer más
228 Me gusta
69 Respuestas
Agosto 11, 2023
I also would love this. Especially with the option to hide all of the excess options that don't match what the person is typing in so they don't sele...Leer más
StéphanieHr en Abril 20, 2021
Hi there 🐝 For a few months now, I have been sharing preview of emails with my supervisors by using the 'Copy shareable link' button. This was super useful! But they just told me that they now have to log in to be able to preview the email. H Leer más
14 Me gusta
22 Respuestas
Marzo 31, 2023
Terrible update. In no way does this make things more secure. Now I have to give access to outside stakeholders to our portal in a way that I DO NOT ...Leer más
edX en Octubre 07, 2020
I have noticed that we can look into workflow revision history but we do not have the option to restore that previous revision history. I would really like to be able to restore based off revision history, we can currently do this for landing pages. Leer más
185 Me gusta
57 Respuestas
Enero 06, 2022
Just got wrecked by this in a nearly 100 step workflow. Really need a way to restore from a workflow's revision history.
alok_prasad en Julio 26, 2020
Has someone used Google Optimize with Hubspot Basic version to do A/B testing on landing pages? Is there a documented process? Thank you, Alok
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6 Respuestas
Julio 14, 2021
Would also like to know how to do this.
kagillespie en Octubre 04, 2017
It would be very useful if Enterprise customers that are hosting multiple domains could have more than one active email preferences page. If the domains are completely unrelated and a contact is subscribed to one domain, why do they have to see all Leer más
Junio 11, 2020
Would love to hear an update on this one.
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