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Joel K. - Eric J. Katowitz

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ADzapo on Mai 10, 2022
We should be able to allow the customers to reopen the closed chats /tickets, at least from the Customer Portal section. At the moment, we're very hesitant to close the chats even if we provide a solution to the customer, simply because the reopen f Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
August 24, 2023
I would like this as well.
ZINEme on Februar 19, 2019
I have created a custom property for a unique customer URL which I'd like to use in emails, directing customers back to their specific log in. While when inserting the personalisation token within an email works - we see the full URL. I'd like to Beitrag ansehen
63 Antworten
Mai 16, 2023
@JakeKnight83 I had tried your method, but it didn't work for me, the link was still parsed. However, I noticed in yours that you are only doin...Beitrag ansehen
ZINEme on Februar 19, 2019
I have created a custom property for a unique customer URL which I'd like to use in emails, directing customers back to their specific log in. While when inserting the personalisation token within an email works - we see the full URL. I'd like to Beitrag ansehen
63 Antworten
Mai 16, 2023
@JakeKnight83 I had tried your method, but it didn't work for me, the link was still parsed. However, I noticed in yours that you are only doin...Beitrag ansehen
SLenner on Dezember 20, 2022
tickets only show the color dots on the board view, for the list view it just showing the words "High" "Medium" etc and is currently working as intended. It would be nice to have it color coded on the list view as well.
1 Antwort
April 25, 2023
I agree 100%. Right now the list is not easy to interpret what is important. I even tried working around this by adding a Rich Text field and t...Beitrag ansehen
EKatowitz on April 13, 2023
I have setup a KB and ticket system gated by SSO so that only our clients can access it. We naturally want to link the tickets created to our existing companies, however the system only seems to match based on email address. So that means de Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
EKatowitz on Dezember 02, 2022
I was contacted by my team and information that new contacts and companies created on HubSpot were not syncing properly to our in-house system. I did some testing and it appears that on November 22, 2022 that HubSpot changed the 'changeFlag' for Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
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