
Member since ‎Jun 22, 2021
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Ryan McGhee

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Edyta7510 on May 23, 2022
Hi All, I need to be able to visualize Margin% = Total contract value margin/ Total contract value HubSpot doesn't have this native property, from what I see it's impossible to create calculated product properties, and at a deal level I cannot u read more
July 14, 2023
Field type might be listed as calculation, not rollup. Then use sum for the calculation type and then select line itms and then TCV/TCV margin when more
Edyta7510 on May 23, 2022
Hi All, I need to be able to visualize Margin% = Total contract value margin/ Total contract value HubSpot doesn't have this native property, from what I see it's impossible to create calculated product properties, and at a deal level I cannot u read more
July 14, 2023
Field type might be listed as calculation, not rollup. Then use sum for the calculation type and then select line itms and then TCV/TCV margin when more
McGhee on February 23, 2023
The new goals tool is really powerful, but there is one improvement that would greatly help our org: the ability to set goals for product or filter a revenue goal by certain products. We have product-level goals for our services and our SaaS sub read more
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ANisch on June 09, 2022
Currently, if two or more users split a deal, the deal owner still gets 100% of the deal allocated towards their revenue goal progress. The other users get no allocations. This makes little sense. If a deal is split between two or more users read more
November 08, 2022
We need this as well. We've moved our "actual" quota and commission reporting back into Excel because we have deals with splits this year.
Edyta7510 on May 23, 2022
Hi All, I need to be able to visualize Margin% = Total contract value margin/ Total contract value HubSpot doesn't have this native property, from what I see it's impossible to create calculated product properties, and at a deal level I cannot u read more
July 14, 2023
Field type might be listed as calculation, not rollup. Then use sum for the calculation type and then select line itms and then TCV/TCV margin when more
Edyta7510 on May 23, 2022
Hi All, I need to be able to visualize Margin% = Total contract value margin/ Total contract value HubSpot doesn't have this native property, from what I see it's impossible to create calculated product properties, and at a deal level I cannot u read more
July 14, 2023
Field type might be listed as calculation, not rollup. Then use sum for the calculation type and then select line itms and then TCV/TCV margin when more
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