
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Jun 22, 2021
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Laura Wirtz

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LWirtz on July 15, 2024
Hi everyone, one week ago, we received an error notification from Google Search Console because of noindex pages. It seems that for some reason we are now having problems because of our CTA parameter pages. So, we are getting error because of read more
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3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
July 16, 2024
Hi Pam, So according to our Marketing team, the Google URL parameter tool has been discontinued in 2022. So that does not work unfortunately. more
LWirtz on July 15, 2024
Hi everyone, one week ago, we received an error notification from Google Search Console because of noindex pages. It seems that for some reason we are now having problems because of our CTA parameter pages. So, we are getting error because of read more
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3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
July 16, 2024
Hi Pam, So according to our Marketing team, the Google URL parameter tool has been discontinued in 2022. So that does not work unfortunately. more
LWirtz on July 15, 2024
Hi everyone, one week ago, we received an error notification from Google Search Console because of noindex pages. It seems that for some reason we are now having problems because of our CTA parameter pages. So, we are getting error because of read more
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3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
July 16, 2024
Hi Pam, So according to our Marketing team, the Google URL parameter tool has been discontinued in 2022. So that does not work unfortunately. more
LWirtz on December 09, 2022
It would be great if there was an option to exclude certain lists from the general web analytics. I recently needed to find out, how many sessions were created over a certain period of time but without a certain group of people (people with a read more
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karstenkoehler on March 14, 2022
Hi there! At the moment, there isn't any option to exclude employee activity from counting towards forms analytics, marketing email analytics or campaign analytics. For the general web analytics this can be done by excluding IP address read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
December 09, 2022
I would also love this for the general web analytics as there are some cases in which you do not want to exclude a whole group by IP addresses or do more
LWirtz on May 05, 2022
It would be great if there could be more detailled permission settings for access to lists. For some users, I only want to give them a read access to all or even better only to certain lists. As of now it is only possible to completely close or gran read more
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