
Member since ‎Jun 21, 2021
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Dwayne Moore

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moore71 on December 07, 2021
I have read the document " Add an unsubscribe link to one-to-one emails " and had some questions. The document says " Please note : an unsubscribe link will not be added to emails sent from Gmail or Outlook, even if you have the HubSpot sal read more
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2 Replies
moore71 on December 02, 2021
I am trying to get notifications whenever a contact opens or replies to an email figuring that would be the best time to try to contact them. In settings | notifications | reply I have enabled "Email conversation reply - Get notified when someone r read more
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4 Replies
December 02, 2021
Thanks. But can you clarify why the "Email conversation reply - Get notified when someone replies to an email conversation assigned to you." option more
moore71 on December 02, 2021
I am trying to get notifications whenever a contact opens or replies to an email figuring that would be the best time to try to contact them. In settings | notifications | reply I have enabled "Email conversation reply - Get notified when someone r read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
December 02, 2021
Thanks. But can you clarify why the "Email conversation reply - Get notified when someone replies to an email conversation assigned to you." option more
moore71 on October 01, 2021
How can I create a view of the Call Notes that I have made? I can create one, but it only seems to have calls for which a recording was made.
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moore71 on August 09, 2021
I can create a private email template. I can create a private view. But there's no option to create a private snippet?
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Tangerine on March 13, 2017
when a contact is added to Hubspot the telephone prefix is set to default to the US. I am in the UK and having to re set it for every contact is tiresome. why not have this as one of the choises in setting?
77 Replies
June 21, 2021
I have one contact (and only one so far) for which HubSpot always sets the country code to +44 (United Kingdom) when I attempt to phone the client, more
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