
Member since ‎Oct 28, 2017
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Michael Potter

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TJ_Price on June 13, 2019
It would be great for the scanned photo of the card to be saved as a note or something on the contact's record so that one can always look back at the scan to see whether any information was inputted incorrectly or not. Having tried out the s read more
October 06, 2022
AdamJP's comment says the feature was added. I just tested and the card image was NOT added as an attachment to the contact. The app seems to more
TJ_Price on June 13, 2019
It would be great for the scanned photo of the card to be saved as a note or something on the contact's record so that one can always look back at the scan to see whether any information was inputted incorrectly or not. Having tried out the s read more
October 06, 2022
AdamJP's comment says the feature was added. I just tested and the card image was NOT added as an attachment to the contact. The app seems to more
Takis on December 20, 2016
Hello all, on free versions of sales and marketing and on a WordPress site installation I can only see SOME page views from a specific contact added 12-13 months ago. However, contacts added during the past two days do not show any web visit activit read more
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11 Replies
December 05, 2017
This post could be improved if you would add how to get to this configuration page. I can not find it on my settings page.
grayson on February 27, 2017
Hi HubSpot Development Team, I recommend revisiting the idea to customize log activity in HubSpot Sales. I would like my team to track "Direct Mail," and I've seen others asking about logging texts and in-app messaging. Thanks for cons read more
253 Replies
November 02, 2017
I would like configurable list of types, but if you could give us an "Other" category some of us could limp by until you can take the time to make more
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