
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
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Corey Smith

You know, I have a varied past. Well, a really varied past. Usually, when you think of someone that started a web marketing agency, you think of either a coder or a graphics guy. Well, I am neither. At 16, I ran an offset printing press for my father. At 21, after a mission for my church in Albania, I bought and sold printing and graphics services. I taught myself how to use my $400 Macintosh to produce graphics that I could sell. IKON Office Solutions actually hired me to use my self-taught graphics skills to run a graphics department for them in Salt Lake City in 1998… the same year I married my beautiful bride, Jennifer. Together, Jen and I have five wonderful children… yeah… full house. I have always had a passion for business, technology and education. So, after working in the office equipment industry for over 8 years, teaching graphic design for web at The University of Utah, serving as a Color Systems Specialist for Canon USA, working hard to learn what I could, and going back to school for my undergraduate in Information Technology and a Master in Business administration, both from University of Phoenix, I started Tribute Media in 2007. During the years since starting Tribute Media, I’ve worked hard to develop talents that can be shared with others. I figure that a talent that can’t be shared isn’t a talent worth having. Because of this, I decided to write my first book, "Do It Right: A CEO's Guide to Web Marketing." I believe that this book is one example of how I can share what I’ve learned. I followed that with my ebook, "Do It Right: A CEO's Guide to Twitter." The best business decision I ever made was stepping aside as President of Tribute Media in 2020 and asking one of my partners, Lindsey Bowshier, take the lead of the day-to-day operations of Tribute Media. Now, I have moved from my role completely at Tribute Media but still actively focused on Digital Marketing and Web Strategy at my new agency, Intuitive Websites. Specialties: Strategic Marketing and Business, Web Marketing and Design, Creative Problem Solving, Author, Speaker.


Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
März 26, 2021
@AJohn I've not personally had occasion to do the bulk redirection in Wordpress but I suspect that this approach would help you: https://www.bowle...Beitrag ansehen
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
November 01, 2019
@OrionElle I'd just use the bulk import for redirects. If you do that then you should be set.
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
August 29, 2018
You'll want to set up 301 redirects for those pages if you don't want to show the 404 error. You can use the URL redirect tool in HubSpot to do that....Beitrag ansehen
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
August 27, 2018
@Shekhar366 When I say delete, I mean just delete the page. Make it go away. Just go to the CMS and click on the page and hit the delete button.
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
März 23, 2018
There is no one report that you can pull to gather this data. I do agree that the attribution report is a good starting point. While I can't tell you...Beitrag ansehen
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
März 19, 2018
Ty, finally back at this now that my deadline is looming. This is simply a brilliant solution. I dig it. Thank you very much!
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