
Member since ‎Jun 18, 2021
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Enric Nager

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June 28, 2023
How doesn't HubSpot have this yet??
June 08, 2023
That should be a must!
November 07, 2022
How does it not exist??
EnricN on October 03, 2022
It is possible to require a password to view a page but not to do it on a site level. I'd find it great if I could require a password to see all the pages in a specific URL structure.
EnricN on October 03, 2022
When creating a page on HubSpot it is possible to require a password to view the page but I'd find it much more helpful to require a subscription. I mean, asking for the email and checking if this email is part of a Contact List or an Email Subscrip read more
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EnricN on October 26, 2021
I am enrolling contacts in sequences through workflows but I need to create an if/then branch for every one of the Sales Reps. I think it'd be much easier if I had the option of selecting the contact owner as sender since I previously assign the con read more
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