
Member since ‎Oct 27, 2017
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FranzSauerstein on November 28, 2016
I am carrying this idea just over from the old HubSpot ideas plattform: Here (with a great suggestion on implemenation) And here "Many (if not all) of our clients need the ability to attribute multiple owners to Contacts, Companies and read more
89 Replies
February 28, 2018
I'm as surprised as all that the system does not allow more than one contact to share the same email address. I am finding I cant even set the user more
riverfiend on March 16, 2017
Until yesterday, all emails sent via hubspot to tracked contacts were visible in outlook sent email from two different users on my hubspot account. Now they are not. Repeated attempts to re-confirm integration of hubspot with outlook haven't chang read more
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9 Replies
December 07, 2017
I am having this problem. If I send from Outlook it works perfectly but if I send from Hubspot I can the sent email in hubspot but not in outlook. more
aJamesh on November 15, 2017
Hi;I recently successfully set up the IMAP outlook integration and went to send an email today and now for some reason it asked me to set up the integration as if I had never done it; When I tried to set it up it said my username and password was inc read more
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2 Replies
November 16, 2017
Thanks Ed I think I fixed this earlier and yes it was to do with my password Kind regards
aJamesh on November 15, 2017
Hi;I recently successfully set up the IMAP outlook integration and went to send an email today and now for some reason it asked me to set up the integration as if I had never done it; When I tried to set it up it said my username and password was inc read more
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2 Replies
November 16, 2017
Thanks Ed I think I fixed this earlier and yes it was to do with my password Kind regards
aJamesh on October 27, 2017
Hi I am spending a lot of time collating my data to upload to HubSpot so I don't want to have wasted my time. I wondered if anyone could advise on these questions: Is my data safe. Will hubspot use my customer data for marketing ? Is there any read more
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4 Replies
November 02, 2017
Also on point 2 Ive researched since raising this topic and your marketing material says FREE forever, so I do hope I can rely on that ! Thanks
aJamesh on October 27, 2017
Hi I am spending a lot of time collating my data to upload to HubSpot so I don't want to have wasted my time. I wondered if anyone could advise on these questions: Is my data safe. Will hubspot use my customer data for marketing ? Is there any read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
November 02, 2017
Also on point 2 Ive researched since raising this topic and your marketing material says FREE forever, so I do hope I can rely on that ! Thanks
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