
Member since ‎Jun 16, 2021
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Spencer Hodgson

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khughes on April 03, 2017
We have a need for the option to add CC and BCC to emails that are sent from HubSpot. We have two important use cases for this. Use case 1: We have a registration form set up on our website. When someone registers, they receive an automated email f read more
262 Replies
December 05, 2022
This would be a very helpful feature. Here's my usecase: my team would like me to build out an automated renewals process for customers. For certain more
krispag on March 28, 2019
It would be ideal if Playbook authors could set a field to required response .
10 Replies
December 22, 2021
As I considered the fact that this ISN'T possible, I went to the Ideas section here assuming there would be an Idea with a lot of comments and more
WMerchen on August 10, 2021
This would be a property that could be used to filter down to tasks that are past due. This would be helpful for Sales teams and managers to see tasks that are not being completed and reassign those contacts to other people to complete the tasks.
December 07, 2021
Agreed for sure. I think the gist is this: currently due dates of tasks aren't a property that can be filtered by in lists, triggered off of in more
dunnpatrickj on April 07, 2021
Hey everyone, I had reached out to support recently for assistance in finding a filter for Due Date status. My hope was to create an active list with a specific property like "lead status (example)" set to "active prospect (example)," but f read more
November 11, 2021
@dunnpatrickj This is kind of how the ideas section goes. I follow an idea that is extremely high priority for our needs involving workflows more
dunnpatrickj on April 07, 2021
Hey everyone, I had reached out to support recently for assistance in finding a filter for Due Date status. My hope was to create an active list with a specific property like "lead status (example)" set to "active prospect (example)," but f read more
November 11, 2021
@dunnpatrickj This is kind of how the ideas section goes. I follow an idea that is extremely high priority for our needs involving workflows more
brentswashburn on April 15, 2021
When a contact has their images turned off the tracking image can't fire and count an open, but if that contact were to click a link the tracking redirect is able to understand that the contact must have opened the email to do so. This is helpful to read more
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1 Reply
June 21, 2021
I agree that some way to measure this would be really helpful! I'm interested for another reason though: a lot of the people that I'm emailing have more
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