
Member since ‎Jun 16, 2021
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Nick Lacaria

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IGI on April 01, 2019
For those using both the marketing and sales platforms, why isn't there a clear way to link a deal back to a campaign? It seems like it should be obvious in linking marketing efforts to sales deals.
19 Replies
February 22, 2022
@AGupta34 - totally agree. Best idea so far.
Connorj13 on April 26, 2021
One of the challenges I often work with sales leadership on is solve reporting across their SDR teams. SDRs are a really important piece of your sales funnel, and if you've invested in this type of function, then you already know or believe they c read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
December 15, 2021
will you be offering another workshop?
IGI on April 01, 2019
For those using both the marketing and sales platforms, why isn't there a clear way to link a deal back to a campaign? It seems like it should be obvious in linking marketing efforts to sales deals.
19 Replies
February 22, 2022
@AGupta34 - totally agree. Best idea so far.
dennis12 on May 28, 2018
Hi everybody, I am facing the following issue. We want to send our customers an e-mail with an unique link for each customer to use individually. On the one hand, we could do it manually, for each customer we send a new email with a new link. Thi read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
November 19, 2021
Are personalization tokens only avaialble in Enterprise? JWT is out of the questions, what about OAuth?
jvargas2 on July 22, 2021
I have a few authors who are not having their page be generated as expected. I currently have multiple blogs. When you click on an author name it takes you to /[blog-slug]/author/[author-slug] where usually the author template takes over. Howev read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
October 26, 2021
got it fixed. There was syntax change that was not updated in the theme thx
jvargas2 on July 22, 2021
I have a few authors who are not having their page be generated as expected. I currently have multiple blogs. When you click on an author name it takes you to /[blog-slug]/author/[author-slug] where usually the author template takes over. Howev read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
October 26, 2021
got it fixed. There was syntax change that was not updated in the theme thx
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