
Membro desde ‎jun 15, 2021
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Regan Boon


NatHiggins on Fevereiro 09, 2021
Our clients often send emails about existing issues but email us via a new email thread. This means that the new Conversation in the Inbox is not associated with the existing Ticket in which the issue is being discussed internally. Right now, Leia mais
284 avaliações positivas
84 Respostas
Abril 22, 2022
Yes would LOVE this
Rianne on Março 08, 2019
Within our organization we use Microsoft Teams for all meetings. When people book a meeting through the Meeting tool with someone, we now have to manually send out an additional Microsoft Teams meeting. We would like to these meeting tool invites to Leia mais
729 avaliações positivas
404 Respostas
Setembro 29, 2021
how hard can it be to give an update?
sfisch on Julho 31, 2019
Would love the ability to connect multiple Stripe accounts to my portal. Even better if it could work based upon location!
67 avaliações positivas
34 Respostas
Setembro 22, 2021
Yes please!! we have accoutns in multiple locations.
Rianne on Março 08, 2019
Within our organization we use Microsoft Teams for all meetings. When people book a meeting through the Meeting tool with someone, we now have to manually send out an additional Microsoft Teams meeting. We would like to these meeting tool invites to Leia mais
729 avaliações positivas
404 Respostas
Setembro 29, 2021
how hard can it be to give an update?
KevinFMTV on Junho 28, 2019
USE CASE: We use a custom property to identity when a contact is known to be a dead lead. However, many of these contacts have pending tasks associated which are no longer applicable once a contact is dead. PROPOSED FUNCTIONALITY: Add a feature to w Leia mais
483 avaliações positivas
149 Respostas
Agosto 25, 2021
Yes great idea!
JVeirs on Junho 24, 2020
It would be very convenient to be able to log activities under a contact which you have a task scheduled for without having to complete the task at the same time. This would allow ease of updating / moving tasks without having to create a new task Leia mais
128 avaliações positivas
84 Respostas
Julho 25, 2021
Yes would LOVE this.
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