
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Oct 25, 2016
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breichenbach on February 11, 2019
Currently, if a module has been edited at the page-level, those edits take precedence over any changes made to the module's default settings at the template-level. This allows for modules to continue to present the correct information on the pages i read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 11, 2019
Yeah @Jon_McLaren I've done that in the past and copy / paste the current content into the default content in the module, or I've opened up two more
breichenbach on February 11, 2019
Currently, if a module has been edited at the page-level, those edits take precedence over any changes made to the module's default settings at the template-level. This allows for modules to continue to present the correct information on the pages i read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 11, 2019
Yeah @Jon_McLaren I've done that in the past and copy / paste the current content into the default content in the module, or I've opened up two more
cstone on July 26, 2018
HubSpot hosted our first ever CMS Developer AMA on July 25th 2018. This question was submitted and the first reply is what the panelist and audience chat responded with. ( view the full AMA here ) -------------------------------------------- read more
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2 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 27, 2018
This is a somewhat technical solution that may cause you major headaches to implement. This will save you so much time in the future and will be of more
subin on May 17, 2017
Hi Developers, Can anyone help me to show show how to submit an Hubspot form using Ajax without page redirection, i am storing some values on JS if page redirects, it will go. if any one have any ideas please reply Thanks
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9 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
May 18, 2017
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, so if you can give me an example of what you are trying to do I can help you out!
subin on May 17, 2017
Hi Developers, Can anyone help me to show show how to submit an Hubspot form using Ajax without page redirection, i am storing some values on JS if page redirects, it will go. if any one have any ideas please reply Thanks
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9 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
May 18, 2017
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, so if you can give me an example of what you are trying to do I can help you out!
Mohva on November 17, 2016
Hi, I'm trying to add a filter to a HubDB query, using the content from a text field in a cusom module. In my custom module, I have the following code, wich works fine: {% for row in hubdb_table_rows(table_id,"&partner__eq=3") %} Pri read more
1 upvote
5 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 18, 2016
I set up all my queries outside of that for loop, like you are showing at the bottom. {% set queryparams = "" %} {% if request.query_dict.fname %} more
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