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Amy Vara

I have marketed IT solutions for companies ranging from high transaction sales models to enterprise software companies with a long marketing and sales cycle. I thrive on using metrics to define, develop, and implement marketing programs that contribute to the pipeline, but also embrace the creativity it takes to develop a campaign that connects with the buyer. I excel at analyzing marketing program trends, identifying insights to customer needs, and launching successful marketing initiatives to achieve corporate goals. I’m highly versatile; quick to master new technologies, roles, responsibilities and environments. My reputation for integrity, problem solving abilities, work ethic, and analytical skills is well-known in the Houston technology community. Specialties: Demand Generation | Content Marketing | Online Advertising | Email Lead Nurturing | Event Management | B2B Marketing | High Tech Marketing | Performance Metrics | Team Leadership | Marketing Communications | Partner Marketing | Marketing Operations | Social Media | Copy Writing/Editing


April 03, 2022
Our customers are mostly on Twitter, with some execs on LinkedIn, so we concentrate on these platforms.
April 03, 2022
Clear subject lines and preview text to let the reader know what to expect if they open the email. Anything too gimmicky, and the reader may feel tri...Beitrag ansehen
April 03, 2022
I've used a workflow to nurture people who sign up for free trials. If the company is a target account, the workflow branches to send those leads ema...Beitrag ansehen
April 03, 2022
I like Get Started for free trials.
April 03, 2022
Companies should consider the age of a contact before deleting it so that recent programs can be accurately reported. If you delete all the bad recor...Beitrag ansehen
AVara on Dezember 07, 2021
It's very hard to report on the various sources when the value in the field is an internal value rather than the original text. I can't create lists based on all the possible internal values, and I can't even quickly do reporting on an export becaus Beitrag ansehen
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