
Member since ‎Oct 25, 2017
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Peter Kalman

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twinloger on April 12, 2021
Hi, does anyone know if the items (name, quantity, unit price, margin etc) from line items can be used in workflows? We need to use this data in the properties of the deal in the left bar. Summaries such as TCV, ACV, ARR, MRR are not enough for us. read more
August 23, 2021
Hi, I didn't have any functional solution.
twinloger on April 12, 2021
Hi, does anyone know if the items (name, quantity, unit price, margin etc) from line items can be used in workflows? We need to use this data in the properties of the deal in the left bar. Summaries such as TCV, ACV, ARR, MRR are not enough for us. read more
August 23, 2021
Hi, I didn't have any functional solution.
twinloger on April 12, 2021
Hi, does anyone know if the items (name, quantity, unit price, margin etc) from line items can be used in workflows? We need to use this data in the properties of the deal in the left bar. Summaries such as TCV, ACV, ARR, MRR are not enough for us. read more
August 23, 2021
Hi, I didn't have any functional solution.
twinloger on March 23, 2021
Hello. we would like to use the forecast. it does not suit us that he selects deals only according to close date. We make contracts with clients for several years (etc, 2021, 2022, 2023). We divide offers into several years (etc, 2021, 2022, 2023). read more
2 Replies
twinloger on March 23, 2021
Hello. we would like to use the forecast. it does not suit us that he selects deals only according to close date. We make contracts with clients for several years (etc, 2021, 2022, 2023). We divide offers into several years (etc, 2021, 2022, 2023). read more
March 23, 2021
thanks for your help
twinloger on March 23, 2021
Hello. we would like to use the forecast. it does not suit us that he selects deals only according to close date. We make contracts with clients for several years (etc, 2021, 2022, 2023). We divide offers into several years (etc, 2021, 2022, 2023). read more
March 23, 2021
thanks for your help
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