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Mitglied seit ‎Okt 24, 2017
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Jennifer Lim

Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Beschreibung erstellt. Bearbeite Dein Profil hier.


jenniferlim on Februar 28, 2021
I'd like the feature to bulk download call recordings, as it is currently only possible to download recordings individually via the contact record.
7 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
Februar 15, 2021
I'd like to be able to add a description when creating custom reports. At this time it just says "This is a custom Contacts/Activities/etc report" wh...Beitrag ansehen
jenniferlim on Dezember 14, 2020
Posting on behalf of a customer: I'd like for the ability to create required properties for products/line items when adding them to deal.
6 Antworten
jenniferlim on Dezember 11, 2020
Posting on behalf of a customer: I'd like the ability to hide themes from showing up on the Choose a Theme page when I create a website or landing page.
jenniferlim on November 05, 2020
Posting on behalf of a customer: I'd like the ability to bulk add properties to the Data tab of a report. Having to click and scroll through the list of proprties then selecting the property that I want multiple times is extremely time consumi Beitrag ansehen
jenniferlim on April 27, 2020
A HubSpot workflow is a powerful tool, but one thing that currently isn't possible is the ability to calculate a future date . Within the actions tool, we’re able to set a date property to a static date or the date of action. This isn’ Beitrag ansehen
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