
Member since ‎Jun 8, 2021
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Sarah Davis

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SDavis6 on January 14, 2022
Our sales team is receiving these notifications and not sure why. I see that others have received this in the past but can't tell how it was resolved. Any ideas on how to fix or what this issue means?
1 upvote
7 Replies
SDavis6 on October 14, 2021
How are people reflecinting revenue share, revenue growth models in Hubspot? Right now, I just have an option for a total amount but it doesn't reflect the growth trends.
1 upvote
3 Replies
October 15, 2021
Hi Josh, We are looking to track this based on projects for active deals, not closed won. So for example if a proposed deal is based on a more
SDavis6 on October 14, 2021
Does Hubspot have a way to differentiate types of meetings? How it is it pulling these in and differentiating client meetings? For example we have customer meetings for existing accounts for check-ins but meetings with new prospective clients that read more
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2 Replies
SDavis6 on October 14, 2021
How are people reflecinting revenue share, revenue growth models in Hubspot? Right now, I just have an option for a total amount but it doesn't reflect the growth trends.
1 upvote
3 Replies
October 15, 2021
Hi Josh, We are looking to track this based on projects for active deals, not closed won. So for example if a proposed deal is based on a more
SDavis6 on October 07, 2021
Can I link deal properties to a company? For example I have a deal property called products but when I look up the company profile the products associated with their deals do not show up.
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3 Replies
Hal on June 25, 2019
Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
161 Replies
October 05, 2021
Is this something that can be shared out for others to create as well?
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