
Miembro desde ‎oct 24, 2017
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Julio 24, 2018
@marshah No it's probably not in the works since the team of Hubspot declared this idea as "delivered", although their "solution" doesn't really so...Leer más
May 28, 2018
I guess someone should create a new idea for this - seems like Hubspot thought they delivered the solutions with the user field. Actually this doesn...Leer más
May 14, 2018
We definitely need this for our daily processes as well! Prio A feature 🙂
Marzo 26, 2018
Hi Phil, Thanks for your answer! The file upload type is still not avaible. Not even for contact properties. Maybe it's only avaible for pro / pr...Leer más
tadelmeyer en Marzo 22, 2018
Hi everyone! I was wondering wether the custom property field type for file uploads is gone. When editing or creating a property this field type is no longer in the list. In my specific case I want to add such a field to deals. According Leer más
2 Me gusta
6 Respuestas
Febrero 23, 2018
We also need to be able to search by company name when in the Contacts view within the app. Right now you can only search by contact first and last ...Leer más
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