
Mitglied seit ‎Dez 27, 2016
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Nate Angell

Nate Angell is an evangelist who connects people, ideas, and technologies to make things better, now leading marketing at Hypothesis (, the mission-driven organization that stewards open, standards-based annotation technologies and practices. He has worked across a wide variety of public and private institutions, focusing on community development, digital communications, meaningful education, open technologies, and sustainable growth. Nate lives in Portland, Oregon USA with some other cats and humans. Learn more about Nate on his blog ( or Twitter (


Dezember 29, 2021
Absolutely essential. Please enable dark mode options for marketing emails.
November 04, 2021
We also really want this workflow capability. For example, when we get a notification that a contact no longer works at a company, we want to unsubsc...Beitrag ansehen
September 23, 2021
This is absolutely essential! All our Zoom webinar registration/attendance numbers are off because we have many contacts with alternate email address...Beitrag ansehen
August 05, 2021
@ToriColebourne Sorry not to be more clear — maybe I'm confusing myself. We use HS for emails and social posts so of course we associate those with...Beitrag ansehen
August 05, 2021
@ToriColebourne Thanks! But erg, I was hoping that wasn't the answer. Given that using HS to send emails and social already makes links trackable a...Beitrag ansehen
August 05, 2021
@CFowlkes sorry if this is covered elsewhere, but if people visit the same page via different channels (eg, one clicks in a link in an email, anoth...Beitrag ansehen
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