
Member since ‎Jun 7, 2021
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Julia McKellow

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March 19, 2024
Excellent suggestion to the comment: "It would be great if we could have an Option to either toggle on/off the Was this Article Helpful in Use Cases more
September 13, 2023
I agree- new articles were previously added at the top of the category. It is a nuisance to have to manually update the category for every new more
JMcKellow on June 26, 2023
When I have a link from one article (e.g. Article "A") to another (e.g. Article "B"), is there a way that I can find where / what other article ("B") is referenced ? I might have referenced it in Article A and some other article as well. The reas read more
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JMcKellow on May 08, 2023
Please can you add a development request to be able to locate ALL the images that are used in one particulate knowledge base article - searching by article name. (This is without having to edit the article and search for the name for each image i read more
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JMcKellow on May 08, 2023
Has anyone encountered the thing where you paste an image into a knowledgebase article and it is immediately replaced with a different image? Other random images that are used elsewhere in some completely different article appear to be dropped in in read more
JMcKellow on April 11, 2023
Please can we make a category description with line breaks. e.g. I have a category with 3 sections, and would like them to show as 3 lines on the knowledge base front page. Here is the category desc: and here is how it resolves onscreen: read more
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