
Participant | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Jun 7, 2021
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susanmartin2006 on July 22, 2020
It seems strange that I'm able to create custom properties on Products (like notes, comment, is optional selection, serial number) but they can't be used/pulled into Quotes. I don't think any functionality will change when we sync our product librar read more
90 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
January 05, 2022
We have clients currently in the Custom Quote Beta who are crying out for this functionality. They have created custom product properties which are more
shiling on March 06, 2019
Currently the quote number is formatted as #yyyymmdd-xxxxxxxx, wherexxxxxxxx are random non-sequential numbers. I'd like to be able to configure how the quote number is formatted and generated, e.g. QU-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is a sequential number. read more
113 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
January 04, 2022
Yes big upvote on this it would make a big difference to our clients. As a further step - being able to customise this reference number then map more
corrivj on January 05, 2018
What I would like to see is the ability to copy my entire HubSpot environment from a production to a sandbox environment. It would also be helpful if there was a way to move changes from HubSpot Sandbox to HubSpot Production. We have data syn read more
62 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
October 06, 2021
I'm currently working with a client to create and test a lot of custom stuff in their sandbox, I'm dreading the thought of having to recreate it all more
CoachAaronCCR on July 11, 2017
Would love the ability from within at least the Sales side of things to automatically map/populate Deal Properties from a Contact's properties. We came over from Salesforce where this could be done in conversion, and this is definitely an area we mi read more
Participant | Elite Partner
July 05, 2021
Hi I found this thread when looking for a solution so I'm guessing Hubspot haven't provided an update yet! As mentioned by everyone already, more
Achagnon1 on August 07, 2020
I'm in the process of setting up calculated properties to use the new "time between" feature in reporting, and realized that, in the 'time between' calculations for properties, I'd like to have access to the option 'today,' which would be a dynamic read more
100 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
June 21, 2021
This field is becoming a must have - I have multiple clients asking for reliable, stable date reporting (such as deal aging in days) and that can more
Hal on June 25, 2019
Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
161 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
June 08, 2021
This would be a huge deal for us - trying to create reports on deal age is a bit of a nightmare. Being able to create a calculated field that more
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