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Raiyan (Mo) Ahmed

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ManelAb on Juni 26, 2024
Hello, I've been testing the new lead scoring (beta) and noticed that negative scoring isn't available. Introducing negative scoring would be beneficial, as deducting points is just as important as adding them when qualifying leads. Thank y Beitrag ansehen
November 14, 2024
We have it on the old scoring metrics, so this would be super useful. Applications would be negatively scoring students, or those from functions ...Beitrag ansehen
Catherine5 on September 18, 2020
Please consider adding active lists to campaigns! This will help us evaluate the ongoing campaign performance rather than a point-in-time (such as with the use of the static lists).
28 Antworten
Oktober 09, 2024
I agree here - we're running live events and need better tracking as new contacts are engaged with active/live campaigns. Our use case is to trac...Beitrag ansehen
Yoshi on September 10, 2017
Currently, when files are sahred, the file can be downloaded by everyone who got shared with that specific document. However, there are certain times that we would not want the files to be shared. Thus, it would be great if we have an option t Beitrag ansehen
135 Antworten
Februar 01, 2024
@SunnyGill - while docsend is great, it doesn't work for many firms. And if you wanted a document room, similar to sharepoint, you have to pay hund...Beitrag ansehen
Yoshi on September 10, 2017
Currently, when files are sahred, the file can be downloaded by everyone who got shared with that specific document. However, there are certain times that we would not want the files to be shared. Thus, it would be great if we have an option t Beitrag ansehen
135 Antworten
Februar 01, 2024
@SunnyGill - while docsend is great, it doesn't work for many firms. And if you wanted a document room, similar to sharepoint, you have to pay hund...Beitrag ansehen
Coupland on November 19, 2019
We currently use the Team/Group option for allowing our prospects to schedule sales demos with multiple internal employees. Often there is an external party (not an employee or HubSpot user) we would like to include in the meeting or our prospects w Beitrag ansehen
105 Antworten
Januar 17, 2024
I talked to support, apparently, this is programmed behaviour, which is super weird. They say if the contacts exist on HubSpot already, they wil...Beitrag ansehen
Coupland on November 19, 2019
We currently use the Team/Group option for allowing our prospects to schedule sales demos with multiple internal employees. Often there is an external party (not an employee or HubSpot user) we would like to include in the meeting or our prospects w Beitrag ansehen
105 Antworten
Januar 17, 2024
I talked to support, apparently, this is programmed behaviour, which is super weird. They say if the contacts exist on HubSpot already, they wil...Beitrag ansehen
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